Agricultural products


Available in packs of 1 litre, 5 litres, 20 litres

It is a seaweed extract, specially developed for application at critical moments of plant development and maximum biological demand, as well as for fruit fattening and with the same essential characteristics as Bio-algeen® S92 and Tomex® K25. 100% plant extract rich in natural auxins and cytokinins.

Tomex Engorde prevents fruit drop and increases the size and earliness of the fruit, especially designed for application at critical moments of plant development and maximum biological demand.

Tomex Engorde contains a wide variety of amino acids, microelements, vitamins, polysaccharides, alginates and phytohormones, as well as a whole range of algae cell activating substances.


imagen en la que aparece una toma de muestras
Element % p/p
Seaweed extract Ascophyllum Nodosum 100%
Potassium oxide (K2O) 6%
Alginic acid 4.1%
Mannitol 2.5%

Dosage and application


  • Pome fruit trees: 200-250 cc/100 l. 2 or 3 foliar passes during the last stage of fruit fattening.
  • Stone fruit trees: 100-150 cc/100 l. Apply at the beginning of the bone hardening phase.
  • Citrus fruit: 150-200 cc/100 l. Apply at the end of purging or natural fruit drop.


  • Horticultural crops: 1.75-2 l/ha at intervals of 7-8 days.
  • Citrus and vines: 2.5 l/ha at intervals of 7-8 days.
imagen en la que aparece un invernadero con fruto

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Polígono Industrial Alborán

C/ Mar Adriatico, nº11. 18600 Motril (Granada)